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Zoonymie des Odonates : le nom de genre Stylurus Needham 1897.



Zoonymie ? L'étude des noms des animaux (zoo). Comme dans Toponymie, Oronymie, Hydronymie, ou Anthroponymie, mais pour les bêtes. 

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Résumé :

Nom de genre Stylurus, Needham 1897, Canad. Ent. 29:167 ;  du grec stylos "cylindrique" et -uros "appendice, queue, extrémité", en relation avec la forme allongée du 9ème segment abdominal  des larves des espèces du genre : Needham crée dans sa publication trois nouveaux genres lanthus, Orcus et stylurus par l'examen des stades pré-imaginaux de diverses Gomphinae américaines.




Stylurus est un genre dans la famille des Gomphidae appartenant au sous-ordre des Anisoptères dans l'ordre des Odonates.

En 2016, un article de J.L. Ware et al. dans Systematic Entomology, Phylogenetic relationships of North American Gomphidae and their close relatives, a donné les conclusions de la première étude moléculaire phylogénique des Gomphidae.  Parmi les modifications taxonomiques, Gomphus flavipes, notre Gomphe à pattes jaunes,  fut transféré dans le genre Stylurus.

Le Museum d'Histoire Naturelle a suivi ces auteurs, et son site en ligne, INPN, présente  désormais cette dernière espèce sous le nom de Stylurus flavipes (Charpentier, 1825).

Ce qui m'amène à procéder à une étude du nom de genre Stylurus.




James George Needham est un entomologiste américain, né le 16 mars 1868 à Virginia (Illinois) et mort en 1957 à Ithaca (comté de Thompkins, état de N-Y).

Il étudie l’entomologie avec John Henry Comstock (1849-1931) à l’université Cornell de 1896 à 1898. 
Il est co-inventeur du Système Comstock-Needham de dénomination des cellules et nervures des ailes des insectes.

À partir de 1898 et jusqu’en 1907, il enseigne la biologie à l’université de Lake Forest avant de retourner à Cornell. Il y enseigne d’abord la limnologie (science ddes eaux continentales)  avant de succéder à J.H. Comstock lors de son départ à la retraite en 1914. Il dirige le département d’entomologie jusqu’à son propre départ à la retraite en 1915. Il se spécialise notamment dans l'étude des libellules.

Sa publication, qui fait suite à des captures de libellules et d'exuvies à Ithaca, souligne l'importance de l'étude des stades pré-imaginaux pour la taxonomie. Il y décrit le genre stylurus, dont il désigne l'espèce type  : Gomphus plagiatus Selys 1854.



1°) La publication originale :

G. Stylurus : Needham 1897,  Preliminary studies of N. American Gomphinae by James G. Needham, Cornhell University, Ithaca, N.Y., Canadian Entomologist volume 29 page 166 et 167.



Description originale :

"Examples of the emphasized importance of larval life better than that furnished by the subfamily Gomphinae of Odonata are few even among insects. The nymphs live under the sediment (mostly organic debris) which falls to the bottom of ponds and streams. They are aquatic burrowers which live at such slight depth that their anal respiratory orifice is never beyond the reach of clean water. This thin stratum, which forms their home and which they only leave to transform, is one of great biologic richness. In it they have found room for development in enormous numbers and necessity for extreme specialization. They are, at least when well-grown, among the more powerful members of its teeming hidden population. The imagoes emerge, flit about under cover for a few days, lay their eggs and die. 
They emerge largely by daylight and are subject to great decimation of numbers at this time, and are sought later by numerous powerful enemies. The females which live to oviposit lay a very large number of eggs. A female of Gomphius fraternm laid for me in a watch glass of water over 5,000 at one time. The imagoes of the ancient genus Gomphus are regarded as a race of weaklings. Their nymphs, on the contrary, are splendidly equipped for the battle of life. And it is to the perfection of their adaptation that the prevalence of Gomphines with us is due. 
These conditions have developed a large and very uniform series of imagoes, with one colour pattern, one plan of venation, one habitus consisting of many very closely related species difficult to study. 
Specific characters, though slight, are yet constant. The slight specific variations of an ancient colour pattern long retained are unusually reliable. Secondary sexual characters reach here their maximum of importance and of specific individuality. This is as one would expect, recalling the vicissitudes of adult life and that its chief concern is with reproduction. 
The real competition of life, however, is carried on by the nymphs, and the outcome of it is that they have become specialized. They have developed along several lines and have become segregated into well-marked natural groups which are not so obvious among the imagoes.

De Selys separated from the great genus Gomphus as he found it three genera represented in our fauna, Ophiogomphius, Herpetogomphus and Dromogomphius, and divided the remainder into groups of species. My breedings of the nymphs during the past three seasons in the main confirm these groups and show that three of them at least are worthy to rank as genera. 

One of the genuine surprises of this season was the finding here, at Ithaca, of nymphs like those described by Hagen from Rocky Creek, Ky., (Trans. Amer. Ent. Soc, XII., 281, 1885) and doubtfully referred by him to Tachaptryx T/wreyi, and the rearing from them of Gomphus parvulus, Selys. "This extraordinary nymph combines head and antennae of Hagenius with legs and abdomen of Gomphus,'' wrote Hagen in the beginning of his very careful description. The length of the wing pads showed the nymphs not to be young, as Hagen supposed, and made it impossible to consider them as belonging to Tachaptryx, but that they should yield this dainty little Gomphine was still a surprise. 
In June and July, 1896, I bred Gomphus fraternus, Say, in numbers at Havana, 111. The nymphs are exactly described by Hagen (loc. cit., p. 262) as No. 13, G. adelphus (supposition). In May, 1895, I bred Gomphus graslineiius, Walsh, at Galesburg, 111. These, especially the former, are very near to the typicil G. vulgatissimus of Europe. "


Believing that the immature stages throw much light on the relation-ship of the imagoes, and that the study of this large and homogeneous group will be facilitated by the setting apart of distinguishable sub-groups,  I propose three new genera which need here have no further characterization than that of the following tables: Lanthus ( Λανθαυη  contracted), type G. parvulus, Selys, Orcus (nomen proprium), type pallidus, Ramb., and Stylurus (στυλος ούρα ), type plagiatus, Selys. With these apart Gomphus is still somewhat polymorphic. The dilatatus group, characterized by extreme dilatation of the apex of the abdomen in the imago and correspondingly greater width to the 9th abdominal segment in the nymph, may yet, with advantage, be set apart. A clear line of demarcation, however, is not yet apparent. 
I now hazard a table for separating these subdivisions of the Legion Gomphus, Selys. It is to be regarded as preliminary and tentative, the more so as I have endeavored to base it on characters common to both sexes. This legion is distinguished from others of Gomphinae by the absence (normally) of cross veins from all the triangles and supra-triangular spaces. 

Table for Imagoes of the Legion Gomphus, Selys. 

1. Outer side of triangle of fore wing distinctly angulated at the origin of the cross vein between the two upper discoidal areolets 2. Outer side of triangle of fore wing straight or nearly so j. 

2. Inferior abdominal appendages of  recurved upward in their apical half; vulvar lamina of ? shorter than half the 9th abdominal segment Herpetogoviphus, Selys.


6. Dorsum of thorax pale with darker stripes ; 8th abdominal segment cut obliquely at apex, longer on the dorsum than at the sides, abdominal appendages of ♀ hardly longer than the 10th segment Orcus, gen. nov. 

Dorsum of thorax dark with paler stripes ; 8th abdominal segment not longer on the dorsum than at the sides ; abdominal appendages of the ♀ at least one half longer than the l0th segment Stylurus, gen. nov. 



Table for Gomphine Nymps.

page 168 [...]

6. Body spindle-shaped, little flattened ; fore and middle tibiae with small external apical hooks or with none :  Stylurus. 


Je traduis cette description de la forme nymphale du genre Stylurus ainsi : « Corps fusiforme, peu aplati; pattes antérieures et intermédiaires avec ou sans un petit crochet externe apicale :  Stylurus."












2°) Étude du nom stylurus.

Needham nous en donne l'étymologie : στυλος ούρα

des deux mots grecs στῦλος, stûlos, "Pilier, colonne", et  οὐρά, ourá. Queue (appendice). Suffixe indiquant un rapport avec la queue.. Soit : "appendice (queue) en forme de colonne."

Il n'explique pas pourquoi il choisit cette association de mots, mais puisque sa description de trois nouveaux genres est basée sur l'étude des exuvies, c'est auprès de celle-ci qu'il faut rechercher cette explication. Si nous nous en tenons au texte (et c'est notre devoir), ce qualificatif de stylurus, "appendice ou queue en forme de colonne" ne peut être mise en relation qu'avec les mots Body spindle-shaped, little flattened de la description de la forme nymphale.

Ma conclusion serait  : stylurus, du grec stylos "cylindrique" et -uros "appendice, queue, extrémité",  en relation avec la forme des larves des espèces du genre : Needham crée dans sa publication trois nouveaux genres Lanthus, Orcus et stylurus par l'examen des stades pré-imaginaux de diverses Gomphinae américaines.

Néanmoins, Heinrich  Fliedner relie cette étymologie à la forme allongée du 9ème segment abdominal de la larve, dans The scientific names of the Odonata in Burmeister’s ‘Handbuch der Entomologie’ où il étudie l'origine du nom Gomphus flavipes :




- flavipes (Charpentier)[l. flavus - yellow; pes - foot, leg] refers to the mainly yellow legs of the species, which by some scientists is included into the taxon Stylurus [gr. stylos - pillar; ura - tail], named from the elongated 9th abdominal segment in the larvae.

J'adopte, par respect pour les hautes compétences de cet auteur, cette explication, bien que je n'aie pas su la lire dans la description originale.





L'article Wikipédia en mentionne le nom anglais de Hanging Clubtails (Gomphes suspendus) en raison de leur habitude de se suspendre presque verticalement lorsqu'ils se perchent.



—  Ware, J. L., Pilgrim, J. D., May, M. L., Donnelly, T. W. & Tennessen, K. 2016. Phylogenetic relationships of North American Gomphidae and their close relatives. Systematic Entomology, On line.







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Published by jean-yves cordier - dans Zoonymie des Odonates


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  • "Il faudrait voir sur chaque objet que tout détail est aventure" ( Guillevic, Terrraqué). "Les vraies richesses, plus elles sont grandes, plus on a de joie à les donner." (Giono ) "Délaisse les grandes routes, prends les sentiers !" (Pythagore)
